It has been said that the mind is our main sexual organ, and this appears to transpire via erotic fantasy. In apparent contrast to all other species, erotic fantasy actually comprises an additional layer to human sexuality, beyond behavior. Research has found that people who engage in erotic fantasy, even during intercourse, tend to be healthier sexually! As pertains to sexual orientation, erotic fantasy is a major force activating the homoerotic and heteroerotic dimensions. When we fantasize about a sexual encounter, real or wished for, the relevant dimension is activated. For example, if a person who typically identifies with being “heterosexual” has a homoerotic fantasy, that sexual orientation dimension is activated. Read, Outing The TRUTH About Sexual Orientation, to learn why erotic fantasy is the main activator of sexual orientation dimensions, and discover the profound role that it plays in motivating a wide range of sexual behaviors.
Apr 272017